About Us

Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (CAST) in 2014, and under the guidance of Dr. Agil Yousefi Koma, Professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University Technical Colleges Campus, with the aim of developing communication with the university, using university capacities to solve problems and Challenges of the industry and improvement of systems were launched in order to gain more market.This center, which by collecting a set of technical and human resources, tries to achieve new and innovative knowledge, methods and technologies and keep pace with leading centers in the world, in the field of research and training in the country and focusing on a product-oriented approach. On the one hand, it has focused on engineering and how to develop technology investment in order to complete or improve production in the target areas and develop joint cooperation with other institutions in order to increase scientific, technical and management capabilities on the other hand. The track record of this center during its 18 years of operation shows this goal.


Robotics and dynamics portfolio

The portfolio of robotics, artificial intelligence and systems inspired by nature has been the first part of the Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies of the University of Tehran (CAST) to implement industrial projects.

Portfolio of vibrations and structural testing and analysis

The portfolio of vibrations and structure testing and analysis, as one of the departments of the Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (CAST) of Tehran University, has carried out several projects in the field of vibrations and structural health monitoring.

The beginning of the cast

Since 2014

The main activities of this center are carried out in the form of a research laboratory and two specialized parent portfolios. The Advanced Dynamic and Control Systems Laboratory (ADCSL) is used as a research support of the center, with the aim of carrying out student projects, producing knowledge with the aim of transitioning from the embryonic stage and transitioning to new technologies

Carrying out innovative and effective activities in such an advanced field of technology requires a strong team for ideation, formulation and development of proposals along with the group of project implementers. Two portfolios of projects “Robotics, intelligence and inspiration from nature” and “Vibrations and structural testing and analysis” each one includes scope definition, responsibility for creation, feasibility, proposal and marketing and finally directing and monitoring the projects. are responsible

Projects and members


The new generation of intelligent robots

Modal Analysis

Modal analysis and extraction of system parameters using hammer test

Stimulation of the structure

Testing and analyzing the vibrations of structures by shaker

Along with the organizational development and its activities, this center has also developed the necessary infrastructure and equipment, so that the 20-meter space of the center at the beginning of its work, during its short life, has grown to an area of more than 700 square meters in two administrative-research sites. And the workshop is developed. In order to carry out the projects, this center considers itself obliged to use the maximum capacity available in the country and if it is not possible, the required hardware. The implementation of joint projects with universities such as Science and Industry, Sharif, Khajeh Nasir and Semnan and companies and organizations such as Air-Space, Saba Niro, Eastern Rotary Machines Engineering Company and Omid Management Consultants Company have taken place in this direction.Also, the workshop of this center is equipped with various machines and tools such as CNC machine to provide the possibility of quick implementation of ideas along with expert staff. On the other hand, the innovativeness of the implemented projects, especially in the current embargo conditions, requires an active presence in the field of identifying, importing and providing product support, and the establishment of the Department of Commerce in this center was also based on this demand

Graduates and students of the country’s top universities in the fields of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering, computers, industries and industrial specialists and experts. In the meantime, according to the style and context of the projects, special attention has been paid to recruiting staff and experts in the post-graduate level (20% doctorate, 40% master’s degree) to create a solid support for conducting applied research.In the meantime, the utilization of the maximum capacity in the country has not been neglected, and the use of facilities and the creation of a network structure with teams and professors and consultants from universities such as Tehran, Sharif, Amir Kabir, Khajeh Nasir, Tarbiat Modares, Alam and Sanat and Shiraz. Examples of successful cases in inter-university interactions are in this collection. On the other hand, during the past years, due to its activities and providing real industrial working conditions in a controlled environment within the university, this center has become a favorable environment for nurturing the talents of students and their effective growth during their studies and before entering the working environment.The successful results of accepting the members of this center from the world’s top universities as well as the frequent visits of domestic industries and organizations to attract students (even before graduation) are proof of this claim. It is hoped that this center will witness more scientific research developments and that this center can take an effective step in the direction of Iran’s progress.

Chart by Visualizer

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